Permission for Mobile Towers, Cell on Wheel, Micro-Communication Equipment, In Building Solutions, etc.
- Mobile Towers – Based on the installation type, mobile towers are further classified as Ground Based Towers (GBT), Roof Top Towers (RTT) & Roof Top Poles (RTP).
- Ground Based Towers – These towers are erected on natural ground with suitable foundation. These towers have high load bearing capacity and are suitable for hosting outdoor Antenna, fixtures, etc.
- Roof Top Towers – These types of towers are erected on top of the roofs of existing buildings with iron structures, columns and tie beams. The towers are intended for hosting Antenna, fixtures, etc.
- Roof Top Poles – These types of poles are erected on top of the roofs of existing buildings intended for hosting smaller Antenna, fixtures, etc.
- Places Permissible for Erecting Towers: The mobile communication towers being essential and critical infrastructure and public utility services, there shall be no restriction of location unless restricted by order of Authority/Court of Law. The mobile communication towers can be installed at all locations regardless of its specified land use including:-
- All types of Residential/Multi Storey Buildings/Group Housing Buildings.
- All types of Industrial/Commercial Buildings.
- All types of Institutional Buildings/Hospitals.
- Vacant Lands like parks, playgrounds, forest land and land earmarked for public amenities.
- Land and Building under the jurisdiction of Government Departments/Govt. Controlled Bodies/State PSUs.
- Validity of permission issued: The permission issued under this rule to any Applicant shall be co-terminus with validity of License issued to TSP/Registration Certificate issued to IP-1.
Right of Way (ROW) Permission for Optical Fibre Cable Infrastructures:
The work of laying Optical Fibre cable (Under Ground and Aerial) by the side of the roads and other places are done by the licensee. The licensee shall have to take prior permission from appropriate authorities for laying optical fibre along the roads, land, power supply poles, bridges, etc. under the ownership of various Departments/Institutions like Building Construction Department, Road Construction Department, Rural Development Department, Forest Department, Water Resource Department, BIADA, Electricity Distribution Companies, Local Bodies, other authorities under the jurisdiction of State Government and also from the private owners.